//-------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) joomla-monster.com // License: http://www.joomla-monster.com/license.html Joomla-Monster Proprietary Use License // Website: http://www.joomla-monster.com // Support: info@joomla-monster.com //--------------------------------------------------------------- // VARIABLES import //--------------------------------------------------------------- @import "template_variables.less"; @import "bootstrap_variables.less"; // MIXINS import //--------------------------------------------------------------- @import "override/ltr/mixins.less"; @import "../../../plugins/system/ef4_jmframework/includes/assets/template/bootstrap/less-ext/mixins-ext.less"; //JM extended mixins @import "template_mixins.less"; // OFFCANVAS //--------------------------------------------------------------- html, body { height: 100%; } //no-scroll class to prevent scrolling html.no-scroll { width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; position: fixed; } // page wrapper // -------------------------- //transition to animate off-canvas and page #jm-allpage { .transition(300ms ease all); } //right position of off-canvas .off-canvas-right.off-canvas #jm-allpage { margin-left: -@JMoffCanvasWidth; margin-right: @JMoffCanvasWidth; } //left position of off-canvas .off-canvas-left.off-canvas #jm-allpage { margin-right: -@JMoffCanvasWidth; margin-left: @JMoffCanvasWidth; } // off canvas column // -------------------------- #jm-offcanvas { width: @JMoffCanvasWidth; height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index: 9999; background: @JMoffCanvasBackground; top: 0; .transition(300ms ease all); } //right position of off-canvas .off-canvas-right #jm-offcanvas { right: -@JMoffCanvasWidth; } .off-canvas-right.off-canvas #jm-offcanvas { right: 0; overflow-y: auto; } //left position of off-canvas .off-canvas-left #jm-offcanvas { left: -@JMoffCanvasWidth; } .off-canvas-left.off-canvas #jm-offcanvas { left: 0; overflow-y: auto; } //off-canvas toolbar #jm-offcanvas-toolbar { background: @JMoffCanvasToolbarBackground; height: @JMtopbarHeight + 1; line-height: @JMtopbarHeight + 1; padding: 0 15px; } //off-canvas content #jm-offcanvas-content { padding: 15px; color: @JMoffCanvasFontColor; } //toggle-nav .toggle-nav { cursor: pointer; [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] { font-size: @JMoffCanvasIconSize; } } .toggle-nav.menu { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .toggle-nav.close-menu { color: @JMoffCanvasFontColor; } .off-canvas-left #jm-offcanvas-toolbar { text-align: right; } //toggle-nav in topbar #jm-top-bar .toggle-nav.menu { margin: -16px 0; height: @JMtopbarHeight; [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] { top: 0; height: @JMtopbarHeight; line-height: @JMtopbarHeight; } &:hover { color: jmlighten(@JMtopbarFontColor, 50%) } } #jm-offcanvas .jm-module.blank-ms { .jm-title { color: @JMoffCanvasFontColor; } }